Saturday, December 14, 2013

Relaxing Days

I hope all of our northeast friends are enjoying the snowy weather! It is coming down pretty hard here in Pittsburgh. Nolan is having a good weekend. Matt's parents are here so they spent the day with Nolan while Matt and I relaxed for the afternoon at the Ronald McDonald house. It was nice to actually sit down and watch TV.

The latest with Mr. Nolan. He currently has no medications running through his pic line! All of his medications are being administered orally. They switched out his heparin with Lovenox. This is another type of anticoagulation therapy, but given by a shot twice a day. They switched him to this because he has been at a steady level of heparin for awhile and the Lovenox is used when the PTT levels are consistent. (or something to that nature.) He is still on a sedation every two hours, whether it is Ativan, clonidine or methadone. They have slowly weaned some of the methadone. SLOWLY. What else? He is on vancomycin and zosyn (antibiotics) because he is having cultures done. They are checking to see if he has an infection due to a fever he had early yesterday.

Other than all of that, he is doing well. Very comfortable and enjoyed a lot of the day laying of Meena (that is what Riley calls Matt's mom). I am pretty sure we will be moving to the 8th floor early this week. Hopefully we are not there long and we get our call soon! One of our nurses told me that 60+ days is one of the longer, I am hoping that this means we will be getting our gift soon. We have a game plan with my parents and Matt's parents for the day we get the call. The whole process typically takes about a day. Riley will go with Matt's parents and they will trail us the following day or so. I can't even being to imagine the emotions of this day. I can't even imagine what our lives will be like after. It is really weird not knowing what your next week, month or year will be like. It's both scary and exciting.

Tonight Matt's mom and dad took us out to dinner. Now we are hanging out with our little man. The snow has now turned to rain. Pretty yucky out! I hope everyone has a nice night...and stay safe! I am going to go stare at Nolan for awhile. :)


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