Monday, December 16, 2013

And These Are The Days of Our Lives

Day 63. I feel like these days are getting more intense the higher the number climbs. You are always checking around for, what are they all discussing over there? Why is that doctor here so late? It's crazy. I know we will get our news when we least expect it. With that said, I just need to focus on the NOW...not the WHEN.

Nolan had a great day. He has been comfortable, smiley, is so great to see. Nothing really new to report. Nolan had PT today, and he did pretty well. He looks like he still has pretty good head control, we did some tummy time (his favorite...not really!) and sat up supported. He also had his VAD dressing changed, which is not his favorite either, but is done every Monday. They have continued the same sedation routine and he is still receiving preventative antibiotics for the cultures found in the cap of his PIC line. We were going to go up to 8 a today, however because of the deposits found in the pump of the VAD, they feel more comfortable that we stay put in the CICU so they can keep a better eye on him. I am OK with it! I don't mind being here.

So, I can't complain about the day. He has been a happy boy. I am anxious - have I mentioned that? :) The only hard thing about being in the CICU is that you can see stuff happening. Your mind wanders. There's emergencies coming in, patients being wheeled away to be operated on, families waiting anxiously in the waiting room to hear the news. It's tough. Everyone gives a nod while passing each other because we all know we have a story...and we all have pain...and we are all scared. It is like a soap opera here! Everyday is something new.

Tonight my goal is to do some final Christmas shopping and hopefully get some sleep. I am up and down so much at night! Matt said he woke up in the middle of the night and was so confused where he was at (he is in Muncy). I hope everyone is getting all their holiday plans and gift buying finalized. I am already excited for next Christmas and being able to really CELEBRATE! This year will still be nice, but I do wish we could be at home. BUT...plenty of years for that.

We are getting close. Riley told my mom yesterday that Nolan is getting a new heart next week. We think it is strange because we really don't talk much about new hearts. I hope she is right!



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