Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Is When?

Wow - another Sunday comes to an end. Between the crazy weather we are having here in PA (it was in the 60s today) and not being home a lot to focus on the holidays, it is so hard to believe that Christmas is in three days. I am looking forward to some family time and getting back to Pittsburgh to see Nolan. He has had an amazing couple days. Matt said that he has been very happy, strong and all around healthy. They lowered his methadone a little bit again today and has responded positively. I am pretty sure tomorrow marks day 70 on the transplant list. I am beyond anxious. I am trying to remain patient and tell myself that the PERFECT heart will come at the PERFECT time. I think the holidays are getting to me a little. It's been almost three months since our lives have been turned upside down and I am just ready for some direction and peace.

Riley and I had a good day. This afternoon we were visited by Tom and Rachel Houseknecht and their 8 week old, Brandon. What a cutie! It felt so good to hold him and do the mommy sway (you moms know what I mean!) It was great to see Tom and Rachel so happy with their new son. They deserve ALL of it! Can't wait to watch our boys grow up and cause trouble together!

After that, Riley and I went to an amazing Christmas party at Amy Ruth-Swart's house. This is an annual event gathered by friends, family and kids. Every year Amy encourages attendees to bring a donation towards a chosen cause or organization. This year she chose Nolan Heart of Steel Fund. It is so touching because Amy and I just met each other tonight. We have many mutual friends, and for her to think about Nolan is so touching. Just another act of kindness and realization of how many good people there are out there. I thank everyone who attended and donated to Nolan's fund. A MILLION times, thank you. So...the party was kid heaven! There were so many activities for the kids, Riley had a blast! At one point of the party Amy gathers all the kids and reads them a Christmas story. Then shortly after she was finished, who shows up? Santa Claus! It is great...all the kids went nuts! The look on Riley's face was priceless (and many of the other kids!) Riley was actually much better with Santa this time around. We went and saw him at the mall a couple weeks ago and she was not very thrilled. This time she hugged and thanked him for her gift. It was cute. I am so happy we were invited to such a cheerful gave us the Christmas spirit.

I really hope I get to announce some news this week! Will Riley's prediction be correct?



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