Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 75

Happy Saturday! It was a pretty quiet day here in Pittsburgh. I spent the day watching basketball, doing work, got some laundry done and played with Nolan. The past two days Nolan has been pretty sleepy. I am not sure if it is because of sedation or that things were pretty busy over the holidays which has him worn out. He got a bath, I had him sitting up a little and I even played some Baby Einstein for him from my tablet. I am going to ask about other activities he can do on Monday when OT and PT is back. We have one thing we really do when he is awake, so I think he is getting bored! He is still smiley and fun to be around. Nolan's smile melts my heart. He is such a tough cookie.

Today was the McLaughlin Christmas, so Matt and Riley spent the whole day at Meena (Matt's mom) and Grandpa's house. Matt's littlest brother, Blaine, is in town. He lives in Colorado, so I know Matt really enjoys when he is in town. Matt and his mom reported that Riley had a great day with the entire McLaughlin family. I think it was a nice day (I haven't been outside!), so she got to ride a new bike around, play in what snow is left over and was allowed to eat as many cookies as she
wanted. (She is a bit of a cookie monster.) Matt's mom and Riley bake a lot, so I got them aprons! Matt's mom's says "Meena" and Riley's says, "I love Meena!" I thought is was a good gift :)

So, day 75. My anticipation for this surgery is on ultimate high. I don't want to get my hopes up about anything, but naturally, I can't. It has been a long time. I fear something is going to happen and we are going to have another set-back. I just want to get this part of the process done so we can move forward with the next chapter. You know when you have a vacation coming up and the last week before vacation feels like a LIFETIME? That is how I feel...except, I don't know what day the vacation starts! Tonight? Tomorrow? Next week? A month from now? It is a grueling feeling and hard to focus on anything else. (Which is one of the reasons why I did work today!)

I am still in Nolan's room. I actually stayed through the entire night yesterday. Not sure if I will tonight. I am going to head over to Ronald McDonald House and see how I feel.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. The end of 2013 is quickly approaching!



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