Sunday, December 8, 2013

And Another Weekend Over

Well, back at home in Muncy. It is lonely because Matt's parents have Riley. The weather is bad, so Matt's mom is going to bring her back home tomorrow. I am trying something new and posting from my cell phone. I have to get my wireless Internet situation figured out this week!

Nolan's weekend was OK. Better than the week. He is definitely not happy Nolan, but his agitation has subsided some, so that is good. His resting heart rate was pretty high throughout the weekend, so today they gave him a low dose of beta blockers. This helps slow down heart rates, and now Nolan is resting comfortably around 120. He is receiving sedation every two hours...either Ativan, methadone or clonidine. They have him on a low drip of precedex, but that will be removed tomorrow. He is back on feeds and fully, we are ready for that call!

We had a nice weekend with my parents and the Springmans. Matt and I talked a lot this weekend about how hard this is becoming. Being separated from one another is so hard. This waiting and not knowing is like torture! I try to imagine what the day will be like when we receive the news that our heart has been found. It's exciting and sad at the same time. Knowing someone selflessly donated their child's organs is something I can't even imagine. I am already forever grateful to whomever these people will be.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I am off to get some good sleep!




  1. You dear parents. I can not even imagine what you are going through. Know that people who have never met you directly are praying for you all. I pray for strength and hope for you and life for Nolan.

  2. God bless you and your little one! Our son has HCM and we know what it's like to May God increase your strength and courage - and bring little Nolan a heart as soon as possible! Praying for you all. (Hugs)
