Monday, November 18, 2013

Out of the CICU!

It is official! Nolan is out of the CICU. They made the move this afternoon. Matt says the room is super nice, spacious and more homey. Prior to his move he had a total dressing change and they replaced his VAD pump. They didn't replace it because there was any major issues, but more because he was going to a new floor and they wanted it fresh so the team on the 8th floor can watch it from a clean state. After that was done he was moved.

Other than that, Matt says that Nolan had a pretty "boring" day. (Which we like!) He had physical therapy today and Matt said they actually did tummy time with him! They use the Boppy pillow and placed him on an angle so the VAD wasn't totally in the way or in danger. Matt said he was not too keen about it, but PT was happy with how he did. It's got to be hard, he hasn't used his core in almost 2 months! I believe he also had OT come by and practice eating again. Other than that, Matt said everything else is pretty much on course!

I will admit that I am nervous to be on another floor. We know all the nurses in the CICU and I fear something is going to happen. They told us that it seems whenever they send a heart transplant candidate out of the CICU they are back as quickly because they get THE CALL. I know we are all ready. I have been feeling a little anxious the past few days. Like my husband said when I told him this earlier today, I think it's because Nolan is doing well and in a good spot, so my thoughts aren't focused on whatever critical issue he is going through. Now I am almost looking back at everything and it's all hitting me. I try to take everything in stride, but sometimes the mind wanders about the actual transplant, recovery, life after...that is when my panic sets in.

I do know this. Nolan is lucky to be born into our family because we are held together by so many peoples support, prayers and love. So, I know we will make it. It all can't happen fast enough. Who know what tomorrow or this week will bring! Just have to remain positive and optimistic.

I have a feeling it is going to be a long week :) I hope you all had a good Monday!



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