Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Welcome to Our Journey

Well, this is my first post to my first blog. Unfortunately it is a blog about my son, Nolan Everett McLaughlin, and his battle with a recent diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy and reactive airway disease.

What is dilated cardiomyopathy?

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle, primarily affecting your heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle). The left ventricle becomes enlarged (dilated) and can't pump blood to your body with as much force as a healthy heart can.

What is reactive airway disease?

Reactive airway disease in children is a general term that doesn't indicate a specific diagnosis. It may be used to describe a history of coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath triggered by infection. These signs and symptoms may or may not be caused by asthma.

So, you are probably wondering, how can these diseases be treated?

Nolan shows signs of pretty severe cardiomyopathy. He very well could have to take medications to help his heart function through life. Our current treatment path goes as followed:
  • Wean from ventilator
  • Observe off ventilator to adjust any medications
  • Begin bottle feedings (feedings for babies act as their exercise, as well as gaining energy)
  • Begin removing IV meds and replace with oral meds
  • Observe, observe, observe
  • Begin to wean meds
  • Observe, observe, observe
  • Be discharged with any necessary medicines to be taken orally, indefinitely

What if this doesn't work?

If the above treatments do not work and Nolan continues to show signs of no improvement, then he will be a candidate for a heart transplant.

As you probably know, this has been a whirlwind of emotions for Matt, myself, family and friends. We have learned so much in such a short period of time. It has opened my eyes to so much in life. What is really important? My family, my friends, their health. I have learned not to ever give up hope and found faith in my heart. I know no matter how our journey ends here, I have found random kindness of others and the power of giving. Matt and I love our son so much and can only rely on the amazing practice of medicine that the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh provides and the love and prayers we are receiving from so many. We are truly grateful for each and every person who's rooting for us day in and day out. We can't wait for the day our family gets to reunite and we can watch Nolan and Riley grow together.

I plan on updating this blog daily on Nolan's status. This is going to be a long and hopefully, pretty uneventful journey. :)

Much love to you all,


  1. Cori and Matt,

    I am so sorry you guys have to go through all of this. While my faith is what has always held me together, I have had to ask God what his plan was for me. I know He has one, and He must think I am stronger than I am. God has a plan for all of you, and He will see you through all of this, With God's blessings, lots of prayers, and the wondrous hands of the medical personnel, Nolan will get better and be well taken care of. I love you both with all my heart. Aunt Kathy

  2. The blog looks great, Cori. :) I know Nolan is in great hands in Pittsburgh, and I pray for the day he's back at home with you and Matt and Riley -- even waking you up several times a night like a month ago. Your strength is incredible -- clearly that's where Nolan gets his fighter spirit. Love you all!

  3. This is such a great idea, Cori, and you've done an unbelievable job executing it! LOVE the "Heart of Steel" - it is perfection both literally and figuratively. We're thinking about Nolan, you, Matt, Riley, Megan, Sue and Garth constantly - we love you all so much. Nolan is an inspiration and the strength and poise you and Matt have demonstrated clearly shows where he gets it.

    Madly waving our "Nolan Towels"!!!
    The Hatchels

  4. Our prayers are with you Cori. Children have the amazing ability to bounce back, recover and defy medical reason. Much Love - Silviya & David Houseknecht (Sarah and David too)

  5. We love you and are sending all of our love and prayers!!


    Stewie and Willie

  6. Praying for Nolan daily. Also keeping your family in thoughts and prayers. Just remember God is good and he can do remarkable
    things.Bob and Pat Brobson

    1. Hi ,
      this is Nick Altebrando .I am not sure how to operate this blog . I just want you to know that you all will be in my prayers every day .

  7. Matt & Cori,
    We are lifting you & your family up to our Heavenly Father . Praying for His grace to surround you all each day & every night.
    Steve & Kathie Nagle
