Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quick Snuggle on a Good Day

Well, we had a good day. Nolan's vital signs have continued to be stable - he did seem to be a bit agitated through the day when he is awake, but this Mama thinks it's because he is hungry! He got a feeding tube placed today so we can begin some feedings to get his stomach and GI system going. Feedings will start REAL small, it is almost like we are starting all over. They will probably start that tomorrow - we hope.

We have him weaned off of one heart medication, epinephrine - so that was also a good step forward today. We have also took him off of forced air and he is on just normal oxygen. Once we have him lowered on milrinone (another heart medication), then we can look towards bottle feedings. If he is successful with the feedings, we will be really on our way.

We still have a long way to go. I can't wait until some days pass and we get further and further away from the heart transplant discussion. Because he could still need one, Matt and I are moving forward this week to meet the transplant team. It is a series of meetings with doctors, nurses, infectious disease, counseling; this is so if we do have to move forward with a transplant, we are ready to go. Let's pray we don't!!

Oh, last thing to wrap this up, I got to hold Nolan today for about five minutes. He was not really having it, but it felt good to have him in my arms again.

Matt and I plan on taking a break tonight and are heading over to our friends house - Rob and Alisa. They are making us dinner and we are going to watch the Buccos. Let's hope for a win, but most importantly, let's pray that Nolan has a good night!

Hope everyone had a nice day,


  1. He looks so good in your arms! Hopeful for a good night and some good eating tomorrow. Prayers continue to get him on the road to recovery and back home.

  2. Cori & Matt
    Keeping Nolan and your family in my thoughts & prayers .

  3. I am so glad you got to have a brief snuggle with him! I'm keeping the prayers coming -- hoping for continued progress!! xoxo
