Monday, October 28, 2013

Still Going Strong

Another Monday done. It is officially over two weeks that we have been on the transplant list. I am so excited and nervous thinking about Nolan receiving a new heart. I am excited because he will be receiving the Gift of Life and given a second chance. On the other hand, I am nervous because he is doing so well and having this surgery means he will be sedated and intubated once again. And then we just have to cross our fingers and say many prayers that his body accepts the heart and we can begin the healing process. I can't imagine what it will be like to have my entire family under one roof. It is amazing how quickly you can semi-adjust to life. This is definitely not the type of life I want, however knowing Nolan is safe and stable (and with his dad) puts me at some ease. I just PRAY that things keep on course, however I know I need to be prepared for those bumps in the road. As far as the actual transplant process goes, I plan on explaining all of that one day. It is quite the process and one that takes an additional 4 - 6 weeks in the hospital after receiving the heart. Like I said almost a month ago...this is a marathon, not a race. And I am OK with that as long as he comes home and back into our lives!

Nolan had another great day. They are starting to get him up a little more and trying beginning to stimulate him with various age appropriate toys. He doesn't like to sit up much, but I would imagine it would feel weird (or hurt) having two large cannulas coming out from under your rib cage. But, we need to start exercising him and keeping up with what milestones we can. He is continuing his feeds and putting on weight. He has little oxygen and got a drain pulled out from his chest. They are very pleased with his progress and we are still working on removing all sedation. Last night he was pulled completely from one, so we are getting there! I am hoping by the time I get there this weekend he will be starting feeds from a bottle and I can actually hold and feed him! It's been almost one month!

Tonight Riley and I went over to Becca and Aubrey Alexander's house for dinner (joined by Kristen Nau and Ashley Christ). Becca whips up an amazing meal and I was so happy to see their baby girl, Reagan. Riley enjoyed Baby Reagan and the cat. It was so nice to see good friends and have a delicious meal. THANK YOU! Now, against Matt's suggestion, I have Riley sleeping soundly next to me. Sorry Matt! She's my snug bug, what can I say.

I hope everyone had a good Monday and continues to have a great rest of the week. Again, it is so amazing to think that any day now we could receive the phone call that Nolan's heart is on the way. I just can't wait to really HOLD him and squeeze him some day.

OK - I am off to snuggle my little girl. I am so thankful to have her cheer me up every day!

GOOD NIGHT! One more day closer...


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that your precious son is doing well.
