Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I hope you all had a day filled with more treats than tricks! Not only is it Halloween, but it's Thursday evening which means I am on my way to Pittsburgh tomorrow! I am definitely excited, but also sad because I will be leaving Riley for 10 days. Makes me sad, but, I need to be with my boy, too.

Matt's mom and dad came to Pittsburgh today to visit him and Nolan. Matt told me that Nolan had a great today - maybe one of his best. They have continued doing physical therapy, speech therapy, respiratory therapy...he is on very little sedation and only receiving the Heparin through the IV. Oh, and he is off of his oxygen! You are probably wondering...speech therapy? Nolan can't talk? Well, speech therapy is there to make sure that when he is bottle feeding that he is swallowing properly. When they are there is when they give him a bottle and watch him feed. When they are not there, they encourage us to give him a binky so he gets used to sucking again. Just another exercise he hasn't been doing in over a month.

Matt said he was very playful today, interacting with him, playing under the gym and seems more like himself. So, all in all - a great day. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is November. Nolan spent his first October in a hospital. It is just so hard NOT KNOWING how long this will be. I have all of his stuff still out...swing, baby specific items (floor gym, Boppy pillow, Bumbo), bottles, etc. I just I ever going to use these items with him here in our home? He could very well be over the age of 1 by the time he is home. Just - hard to believe. And hard because I am missing all of these baby memories with him. It has kind of been on my mind all day. I may have to start rocking Riley to sleep to get my baby fix! :) Anyway, I am so excited to see him and plan on taking advantage rocking him, (hopefully) feeding him, maybe even change his diaper! HA!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. If I do not send an update tomorrow, that is probably because Matt and I went out to a late dinner. I probably won't get into Pittsburgh until 6 ish, spend time with Nolan until he goes to bed, then we will go out somewhere. But, I will probably fit something in before then. At least pictures!



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