Friday, October 18, 2013

Day Five Friday

Well, almost going into our third week here at Children's Hospital. Hard to believe. Everything has happened so fast. Three and a half weeks ago I thought we had a healthy baby boy and now here he is waiting for a heart. As all of this has been a whirlwind, it also seems like an eternity since I have been home. That will change for me soon. Matt, my dad and Riley are on their way to Pittsburgh to spend the weekend here. On Sunday my mom, myself, Riley and my dad will be heading back east to Muncy leaving Matt here to watch after Mr. Nolan. I am so scared to leave, but I also want to have my time with Riley and make sure to keep her life semi normal through all of this. I look forward to seeing some friends and my co-workers, but I am also nervous! This is my life - 50 emotions going all at once.

I am SO excited to see my baby girl today...who is definitely not a baby anymore, but she will always be in my eyes. Of course I am excited to see my wonderful husband, and of course my dad. Matt's mom and dad may also be making a trip over during the day Saturday. We are so lucky to have a great family that is here to support us. I am so thankful my mom was here this week because it has been pretty crazy. I am hoping after this weekend we will start to see improvement for Nolan.

With that said, I am sure you are wondering what is up with the little guy. Well, things are still looking steady since his surgery yesterday. He is actually looking MUCH better. His average heart rate is the best I have ever seen; so does his blood pressure and his o2 currently sits around 98 - 100%. He is currently still on the vent. They have slowly started the weaning process, but have still been pulling some thick secretion from his lungs. They decided to culture it again and found that he does have an infection. They started him on an antibiotic this morning and tomorrow we will HOPEFULLY get that breathing tube pulled. They think he would do OK if they removed it today, however, they don't want to push anything and want him 100% ready so they know it will be successful.

I am going to head back and see how my little man is and wait for the rest of the family to get here. I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will touch base tomorrow...hopefully with the news that the breathing tube is OUT!

One day closer to meeting Nolan's new heart.


1 comment:

  1. I will do whatever I can to help support you both during this time. You will continue to be in my prayers. I love you all so very much. Keep strong and keep your faith. With God everything is possible. Love, Aunt Kathy
