Friday, January 24, 2014

New Date - OFFICIAL Heart Date - 1/24/13 - Day 102 - Update 2

Oh my gosh. The past three hours have been so nerve wracking. The weather has been kind of bad, I wasn't hearing any updates, wondering...did they not like the donor heart, is Nolan OK, did they forget to call me? Well, I just got a call from the nurse. The team with the donor heart is on their way and Nolan is officially into the procedure. The next call the nurse will give me is when the heart arrives. YIKES! I am just so thankful...THANK YOU GOD!

Mommy and Nolan before he went to the OR
I am sure most of you are sleeping, but I wanted to let you know where we are in case some of you are waking up, checking yours phones and wondering.

Once my mind isn't all over the place, I will give you the story on how I found out that we got the call. This is certainly not a fast process. I have been up now for 21 hours, my coming posts could get interesting.

Please keep the prayers coming. I will update with more news SOON! Thank you all for the support!



  1. Sending prayers your way may god bless you and your family

  2. Yes I got up in the middle of the night and first thing I did was to check on Nolan..... <3 Sleep can be There will be time for that later. Sending more prayers...
