Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Back in the 'Burgh

The McLaughlins had an early morning (well, Matt, myself and Nolan - Riley was sleeping in soundly on vacation in Florida...jealous!) I got up at 4 am and we were on the road by 6 am. We wanted to get to Pittsburgh today by 11 am so I could attend Oliver's memorial service. It was a great drive - actually kind of peaceful. Matt and I are so used to making this drive in the winter months, so it was nice to see spring IN BLOOM and watch the morning wake-up. Nolan did great on the drive out - very chatty, so we tried the best we could to keep him busy.

We got into Carnegie, PA where Oliver's service was held. It was so great to see Trevor and Ashley - finally! They both looked amazing and so happy to see everyone in attendance. When Ashley and Trevor were planning how to honor their son, they asked Matt or I to speak at the service. I was completely taken back...and a little terrified! However, how can I say no. To be able to stand in front of Ashley's friends and family and speak about their courage and love for Oliver and each other, not to mention be apart of this memorable day, I am honored. The service was perfect. The pastor spoke so passionately...and even shed some tears, and it was a time not to be sadden by Oliver's passing, but celebrate his life! He is a teacher, an inspiration, a fighter, a son, a grandson who will continue to help friends and family get through the day and live life with purpose. I know the Halligans and McLaughlins will continue our friendship for a lifetime, and I look forward to making many memories together. Thank you Oliver, Ashley and Trevor for giving us your example of strength and teaching us all how to be Olliestrong.

Tomorrow we have our clinic day with the transplant doctors. No labs though - yay! So we will head over to CHP around 7:45 am. We are staying at a hotel, so it is kind of relaxing! Nolan is teething like crazy (almost 7 teeth in...4 out, 3 poking out - ouch!); I hope we don't bug the neighbors too much!

Tonight we went out to dinner at a restaurant in the same complex at our hotel called Social. We sat outside away from people so Nolan could rest in his stroller and Matt and I could enjoy some dinner and beverages.Weather was great, but we are exhausted. Matt and I are hoping Nolan feels the same way soon.

More tomorrow!


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