Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Waiting For Results

My first correspondence with Matt this morning was via text. He told me that Nolan slept through the night a total of 8 hours! We both think his belly must be feeling better since he didn't wake or throw up all night. In fact, I am pretty sure he only threw up once today. They did stop feeding him for some time because he had to be sedated for the MRI, but still, I think we are on our way. Between stopping the CellCept (anti-rejection med) and replacing it with a new one, and using the erythromycin for the gastric emptying, he seems to be less nauseated and more comfortable. They did replace his CellCept with a new medication (not sure which one); so, throughout life he will be on Prograf and the replacement for CellCept, which I will find out what its name is!

Nolan had a busy day, so it was a good thing he got some sleep! He had his MRI this afternoon to check on the seizure-like activity and to get a final view of his brain since he has had 3 strokes. When he returned, he had speech and occupational therapy. Amazingly, he ate 12 cc's of oatmeal! That is the most he has ever had in one setting! They played with the bottle, too. He seems to enjoy it more as a teething ring rather than a bottle...but, we are getting there. I believe he also had physical therapy, so needless to say, he is going to be a tired boy through the night.

Overall, Matt says that this was probably one of Nolan's best day yet. I am so happy to hear that. I am hoping that we should know more about discharged be the end of the week so I can start planning. Things on the home-front are good. Just busy at work, which is a good think...and the same goes for at home. I am longing to get back into a routine (morning workout, work, home, dinner, play with kids, bed...); But when we get there, it is going to be so weird!

Well, I hate to cut this short, but I have some heavy lids! Riley is still in my bed. This is going to be a tough habit to break.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for always going above and beyond to ensure the success of a project.
