Friday, February 28, 2014

Another Weekend at CHP

Well, looks like we'll be here through the weekend. This will have to be a quick update as Matt and I are heading to the airport to pick up my sister who is flying in for the weekend.

SO...GI update. It looks like he does have very slow emptying going on. They may be putting him on azithromycin to help with movement, but before they do that they are stopping the Cellcept (anti-rejection drug) for the weekend to see if that is what's causing the GI problems. They are also discussing putting in an NJ tube (feeding tube that goes past the belly) to ensure that he is getting proper nutrients and that he is keeping all his meds. So far he has not thrown up since about 9am, so that is good.

Neuro update. Yep...I haven't done a neuro update in a LONG time. Nolan had a seizure-like episode today. He was drifting off to sleep (luckily doctors were in the room) and he did some head movements and stiffness that presented like a seizure. So, he had an EEG done this morning, which came back favorable. However, because he did have a "seizure" he has been placed on a seizure medicine for preventable measures. This is not totally uncommon for someone who has had a stroke. We have also been weaning Ativan, which is also used as an epileptic drug, and is on very little, so maybe that is why he is showing some of these signs? More to come on that. We have an MRI scheduled Monday morning.

Other than that, he is doing GREAT. He acts normal, is happy and doing well. Just feel like we are digressing, not progressing. I am trying real hard to stay positive, for some reason this past week has been one of my hardest. I need to read some old posts to put things into perspective.

Thank you all for the continued prayers and support! Let's hope we can get to the bottom of this GI and neuro issue so we can move forward.



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