Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fun Family Day

As crazy as it is to entertain an almost 3 year old in a hospital for the day, it was so nice to have our family together. There was a moment while Nolan was sitting in the rocking care with Matt watching basketball and I was curled up with Riley on the couch in watching shows, I thought to myself, this is how it is supposed to be! This is what we would be doing if we were all at home together...I guess I should say, this is how it WILL be when we get home. We seriously have not left the hospital or Ronald McDonald House all weekend, and I am totally OK with that. Riley spent a lot of her time in the numerous playrooms around the hospital, a lot of it with Laci, Faith's older sister. So, it was a good weekend.

Nolan had a good day. One of the transplant doctors talked to us today and told us that there was a call the other night, we were #2 on the list and the #1 on the list (in the 500 mile radius of the donor) got the heart. This was not in our hospital, so somewhere else a child around Nolan's age received the gift of life. What our doctor was getting at is the we are #1 on the list in a 500 mile radius of Pittsburgh, which is huge. (and psssst...Faith is #2!) So, he was telling us that it has to be soon. YIKES!

Another fun thing we did for Nolan was put him in a swing tonight. He did really well! I am glad because it is just one other thing that Nolan can do during the day. I feel bad for him because there's about three or four different things we do a day. Getting into the swing is nice because it gets him out of the bed and into a new view of his room.

Well, Riley and I head back to Muncy tomorrow. MAYBE I will be heading back to Pittsburgh early this week??!! Let's hope we get a double or Nolan and one for Faith. These poor babes have been through so much. They deserve it!



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