Friday, June 20, 2014


What a beautiful day it was in PA. I am glad we had the sun because we had a long night with Nolan. We didn't even get him down until past 11:30 pm and then he got up again about an hour or so later screaming. He was also having some congestion and coughing, which I still think has to do with allergies. I am thankful for Matt because he ended up sleeping downstairs with Nolan while he was in his swing.

So, what was wrong with Nolan? I ended up taking him to our primary care doctor just to make sure everything was OK. We decided to start doing some albuterol treatments through the day, and our physician assistance noticed that his gums were really swollen. With that said, we are pretty sure he was cutting teeth last night, which caused his crankiness. If his coughing continues we plan on contacting our PA and she will prescribe an antihistamine or him.

Our nurse said that Nolan had a good rest of the day. He took a 3 hour nap...most likely because of the long night. We had a nice night hanging out at home, ate dinner outside and Riley played with friends. This weekend we plan on spending in town, which I look forward to getting stuff done around the house.

OH - labs came back and his liver enzymes went down again, however his FK (prograf) level is low so we had to increase his prograf .3 ml.

So, we are hoping or a quiet night! Nolan, my dad and a few friends of mine are going to run a 5K in the morning (OF COURSE, NOLAN BEING PUSHED!)

Happy weekend!


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